I just wanted to share something I learned at church. In relief society we had a lesson on Pres.
Monson's recent conference talk which is about service. We talked about how doing service is a cure for depression. To loose your life for the Lord's sake can mean that you become less selfish/less focused on your wants and needs and that in helping others your needs are met as well. Not to be hard on ourselves by thinking we need to go out and serve the world but that serving your family counts. The 1st counselor in the relief society is the Stake presidents wife and she tearfully conveyed her feelings that she doesn't think her kids get to spend enough time with their dad. Then she testified that when we serve in our calling we are magnified and the sacrifices that we make while serving(like time with family) will be compensated for. but the thin I liked the most and, the whole lesson was great, was this: a sister said sometimes it may feel like we are too far spread with all the church meetings, visiting, activities not to mention all the other things you have going on in you life but if we just take the time to follow the programs of the church we will be blessed in our efforts. She told of one day it seemed like they had a hundred things going on and her daughter had a young women's volleyball game. She went to the game and the spirit was there. Heavenly father has prearranged so that if we go to the activities the spirit will be there to bless us. I thought that was a great message! Stephanie