Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Hi Family!
It was great to read your notes! It took me forever to figure out how to make this thing work, because the B up at the top left doesn't look like a B to me! I am a little bit technologically challenged. That is why I am so glad that Linzy and Rachel got this going! I was wondering what we could do to stay in touch with each other's lives. It was great to see all of you! It helps to know that we are here for each other. The other day I was listening to the oldies radio station here in Denver because it has good music. It plays Grandpa tunes. I heard "All I do is dream of you the whole night through, with the dawn I still go on dreaming of you." It made me cry! That was one of the many songs my dad sang. And I thought that was something we left out at the funeral. When I am happy, I feel like singing, I guess that came from him. Sometimes I try to remember the songs that he sang. Maybe we could come up with a bunch together. When I played with my cousin, Melodie, he sang to her, "This is my song, this is my melody.." It embarrassed us at the time. "Say nighty night, and kiss me, hold me tight, and tell me you miss me, Birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me". I probably won't get the words right but, "She's got a half-back in Pennslyvania, she's got a quarterback in ...............She's just an all American girl!"Anyway on to family news, Amber has applied for an internship for next fall to teach elementary school, so she will get her student teaching done through the real experience. Michael is busy making wedding plans and missing Amber #2. They will be married June 22 in the Denver temple. Stephanie taught a girl, who was just baptized last Sunday. She has a companion who is originally from Ecuador. Chris is trying hard to learn Cantonese, he is in Hong Kong. He gave a talk in church, and used the wrong tone in a word, and the congregation corrected him right during the meeting! He is doing well. Matt is obsessed with basketball. He finished his season with the freshmen Columbine team and moved up to competing with the church teacher/priest team that Kerry is coaching. If you want we could show you his "video" (napoleon dynamite!) I took my tests last week for my Montessori training that I have been working on for a year. The tests were sent back to London to be graded, so I 'll know in April whether or not I passed! Kerry is working on section E of our kitchen cabinets. They are beautiful! I'll have to post a picture when they are done. I hope everyone will write, and that we can continue blogging away. Love you all, Kathy
Temple Experience
The other day, Dusty and I were at the temple doing sealings. The man in charge was telling us that he hopes those who we were doing sealings for were well prepared to make and keep the covenants. I got this overwhelming feeling and started to tear up that Grandma Adah had taught the people we were about to seal together. Even now, I get teary eyed and when I told Dusty I had the same feeling. What a great blessing it is to know that we work together, no matter what side of the veil we are on.
---Linzy "The Baby"
---Linzy "The Baby"
from the Alamosa Morgans
I just want to thank Linzy and Rachel for the work they put into this wonderful idea! You girls are wonderful! What a wonderful time we had at the funeral. I'm thinking that our mother and father and grandma and grandpa must have looked down with great pride and amazement at what they started and to see all of us there and thinking of them, WOW it brings tears to my eyes! I look forward to returning and living with those two (and a lot of others Like Hugh and Margaret Morgan and Good old Grandpa Asa, What a wonderful grandpa he was to me) But not until I have lots of wonderful experiences with my kids, grandkids, great grandkids and I’m not sure about the great great's Anyway I do love you all
Just a little question for Ryan?? what does it mean you and KT are going to get to each other?? love you Ry!!
I, Gary, Dad, uncle Gary, cuz Gary, brother Gary, etc.
Just a little question for Ryan?? what does it mean you and KT are going to get to each other?? love you Ry!!
I, Gary, Dad, uncle Gary, cuz Gary, brother Gary, etc.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Jana a.k.a Jana the Banana
Hello, Everybody It was great to see you all at the funeral. I am proud to be apart of the Morgan legacy. Just to tell you what is going on in my family. We live in Idaho Falls and are just about finished with remodeling our house. It has been a huge project and so it is so nice to be almost be done. Jared bought it before we got married and so for the last 6 years we have been dreaming, planning and talking about fixing it up. Jared is an electrical contractor and has one full-time guy that works for him. He is also going to school to be an electrical engineer. He is very busy. I help with the bookkeeping for our business and take care of Conner and Gabe. Conner just turned four and enjoys helping his mom, pestering his little brother and playing with Sadie (our Pug). He is always making us laugh because of the funny things he says. Gabe just turned one and loves to get into all the drawers and is really close to walking. They keep me really busy and are alot of fun. I can't wait to hear what you all are doing, so don't be shy. Jana Taylor
Friday, February 23, 2007
Hello and Funny story
Hello everyone
Thank you Rachel and Linzy for getting this blog going. I think it will be something really special for our family. Life is going on in Provo Utah. Amber came and helped me do my relief society lesson last week. She did a really great job. The other sisters were really touched by her words. So was I. We really have an awesome family.
I have a funny story to tell you all. So I think this guy in our apt complex is cute, right? Well, I always talk about him and I left him a Happy Valentines card from his secret admirer. But so far he hadn't asked me out (even though I know he thinks I am cute!). So finally, my roommate goes up to his apt. Neither one of us know him, and she tells him she will give him a piece of gum if he takes my phone number and asks me out! Talk about embarrassing. Then, when he doesn't know who I am, she hands him a picture of me! Finally, he says, "Okay, I'll do it." When Lindsey's leaving, she asks him if he has a girlfriend, and he says he does, but she is in Jerusalem. I guess that means he really wants the gum!
So when Lindsey is telling me what happened, I am dying of embarrasement. So we decided that we know a guy who went to Jerusalem, and if it is worth it on the date, then we will set this guy's girlfriend up with our friend in Jerusalem. We are going out tonight. I will let you all know if it turns out fun.
Thats the news. Everyone take care and leave a post of your news or funniest story!
Thank you Rachel and Linzy for getting this blog going. I think it will be something really special for our family. Life is going on in Provo Utah. Amber came and helped me do my relief society lesson last week. She did a really great job. The other sisters were really touched by her words. So was I. We really have an awesome family.
I have a funny story to tell you all. So I think this guy in our apt complex is cute, right? Well, I always talk about him and I left him a Happy Valentines card from his secret admirer. But so far he hadn't asked me out (even though I know he thinks I am cute!). So finally, my roommate goes up to his apt. Neither one of us know him, and she tells him she will give him a piece of gum if he takes my phone number and asks me out! Talk about embarrassing. Then, when he doesn't know who I am, she hands him a picture of me! Finally, he says, "Okay, I'll do it." When Lindsey's leaving, she asks him if he has a girlfriend, and he says he does, but she is in Jerusalem. I guess that means he really wants the gum!
So when Lindsey is telling me what happened, I am dying of embarrasement. So we decided that we know a guy who went to Jerusalem, and if it is worth it on the date, then we will set this guy's girlfriend up with our friend in Jerusalem. We are going out tonight. I will let you all know if it turns out fun.
Thats the news. Everyone take care and leave a post of your news or funniest story!
RY and KT
Hey guys! It’s me again. I know you are anxious to see the hot babe. So… here you go!

This is KT and I right before I went to work one night. Things are going well. We talked about marriage and she said, let’s not talk about marriage right now. Ha ha ha!! We plan on dating and getting to each other and have a good time. She is really sweet to me and I appreciate all she does for me. She is pretty much the best girlfriend I have ever had. If you would like to throw in some donation for the dating process, feel free. Ha ha, Just kidding. ---"Ryan, The Lion"
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
"The Baby" a.k.a. "Linzy Wagoneer"
I thought it was great to see everyone! It has been a long time since we have all been together. We are so lucky to have such great parents who have lived worthily to have such wonderful kids!!! :) And what a great example our grandparents set for us. Grandpa's funeral was very uplifting. It made me feel that when we are happy and loving life, we must be living the gospel. I love feeling happy and the true joy from living the way I am supposed to live. I am truly grateful for my family and extended family and for the great examples that have been set for me.
We are living in Lehi. We live just a mile from Shelley and 5 blocks from Ryan. We just bought a house and are loving it. We have an awesome ward. We have never felt so welcomed. Brackon keeps us on our toes. He turns one in March. Some of the interesting things he likes to do: He knaws on his crib, dunks his head under water, thinks everyone is chasing him, and he loves to give kisses to his mommy! He is pretty easy going, very tough, and loves food!
Dusty is working for Jostens. He goes into high schools and sells graduation cap and gowns, rings, etc. He absolutely loves it. He is as people person as they come. He graduated in Communications/ Public Relations.
We are living in Lehi. We live just a mile from Shelley and 5 blocks from Ryan. We just bought a house and are loving it. We have an awesome ward. We have never felt so welcomed. Brackon keeps us on our toes. He turns one in March. Some of the interesting things he likes to do: He knaws on his crib, dunks his head under water, thinks everyone is chasing him, and he loves to give kisses to his mommy! He is pretty easy going, very tough, and loves food!

As for me, I am helping coach at the University of Utah, Track & Field team. I absolutely love it. Brackon and I work at the American Classifieds about 10-12 hours a week as well. Other than that, I am a wife, mom, and sister!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hello Everyone...
It was so great to see all of my family. I bet Grandpa and Grandma were so glad that we could all make it to the funeral. I thought the funeral was so good. I learned a lot about Grandpa and I think my Dad has a lot of the same qualities that Grampy had...honesty, missionary, keeps the word of wisdom, never heard him swear or tell a dirty joke, honors his priesthood. It is such a good feeling to have a wonderful examples in my life. I really enjoyed hearing everyone share about what they remembered about Gramps. I think it was awesome that Kyle got to be his home teaching partner and the car story. That was HILARIOUS!! I liked all of your nicknames. I think Grandpa and Grandma would be proud of all of us. I bet they miss us. Here are some
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