Well first of all I would like to send out an offcial apology to all who didn't recieve an invitation. Steph and I had a fit with our invitations and lost a lot and then didn't have time to get more and send them out. Thank you so much for all that everyone in the family has done for us we feel so blessed and loved. I am fighting wildland forest fires for the summer and it is really great! I love it I really wish I had got into it a lot sooner. The only crappy thing is being gone for 2 weeks at a time from Steph, but it is only during the summer then she'll have plenty of time to get sick of me. We also we fourtunate enough to pass along a Book of Mormon in Jan.. Steph was teaching a group of Korean students and hung out a lot with the person in charge who's name is Yeo Jin, we had some really great gospel talks and left her our testimony in a Book of Mormon before she went back. Jin is a extremely fluent english speaker and we told her that when she returned to Korea she should talk with the missionaries, the missionaries had an english class set up. She started attending the classes and sent us an e-mail last week that she was baptized how cool is that?! As for us we are doing well and plan on moving back to Logan in the fall for school and enjoying another frozen winter in Logan. Well here is a pic of me and Steph, and alos a pic of Jin at her baptisim. Take care all.