We have now picked a date: December 29th! We are very excited. If you would like an invitation, send us your mailing address ASAP to jennimorgan2005@gmail.com
Thanks, love to all
Jenni And Heber
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
We're Getting Married!

Oh Hey Family!
Guess What? I am getting married to Heber Sheffield! He is a Senior at BYU, majoring in computer science--kinda a nerd! He is strikingly handsome, as you can see. He is from Bountiful, UT. We are the same age, and we have been dating forever, kinda! OK, so it has only been 4 months. He speaks French--served a mission in Belgium. He is the nicest guy in the world, and I feel totally blessed to know him, and totally excited to spend eternity with him. We don't know when we are getting married. We don't know where, but we do know we are in love and getting married! Probably December, in a Utah temple, but that's all for now.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This is such a touching story you have to view these clips!
This is such a touching story you have to view these clips!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
missionary moment
Steph again. so I have been babysitting these two boys Joseph 5 and Josh 4. Coleen thiers mom works with my mom and said they are looking for a church. well we had a family film at the church saturday night showing the testaments we invited them to go but they declined. but I babysit the boys saturday so I asked if it was alright to take them to the movie. Their dad said they probably wouldn't sit still but actually they were really good. as we watched the movie I would lean over to them and explain what was going on by saying see that girl she was dead and Jesus made her alive again to which they replied cool. and after Christ was resurected and came back I told them after christ died he came alive again and Joseph said that's awesome!! but the cutest was when Christ appeared to the people in america Joseph's eyes got really big and he turned to me and asked, "is god really real?" I said yes He is really real! so my investigators were 4 and 5 but it was such a great experiance!
The Power of Family
Hi it's Steph Mom and I went to hear Sheri Dew speak it was supposed to be a single adult event but none of my single friends would go with me so I took mom it was in boulder. Her talk was so good on the family so I wanted to share. She made three main points 1 Something's are NOT possible but they happen anyway 2 we routienly run into more than we can handle so that we will learn to rely on the strength of the Lord. 3 there is a remarkable power in the family. nothing compares to the security of a righteous home. it may seem impossible to live a clean life in such a filthy world or to bring up a righteous family it is not easy but it is possible. Anything is possible with the Lord. She told a story of how the week before conference she was told that she needed to write a different talk and she had 3 days to do it. well her previous talk had taken her 100s of hours it's not possible! so she was stressed and her family all came together they had a special family fast and everything worked out fine her little nieces and nephews gained a strong testimony of fasting. it was a powerful experiance that really brought them together. So I was thinking that maybe our family could get together and have a special fast I don't know what for nobody has to be dying or anything but just something. I think it would be cool to have aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, all united in prayer and fasting over something or for someone. Tell me what you think?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Check it out...
Exciting News...
I had 183 photos to print and I got it for $10.98!!! That is right only $10.98...go to winkflash.com and you will save 50% on your photos!! YIPEE!!
I had 183 photos to print and I got it for $10.98!!! That is right only $10.98...go to winkflash.com and you will save 50% on your photos!! YIPEE!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
My Senior Art Show

Hi my dear family,
The time has come for my senior art show (BFA Show). I have changed the day of the reception, however. It will now be on Friday, September 21, 2007, from 6-8pm. The show will be up from the 18th-28th of September. Everyone is invited. This is a reflection of everything I have been working on and learning for the past four years at BYU. The title of my show is "I Feel My Savior's Love," and I think it is an uplifting show for everyone. I hope you can come! If not, I understand.
Thanks Jenni Morgan
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Hi Family It was a darn crazy summer with the big wedding for michael and amber. Their wedding pictures are posted on www.pictage.com type in michael amber and it will take you to a page they were married 6/22/07 then you can see their pictures! make sure you get to the reception photos we worked so hard on that gym with all the decorations. Crazy!! Michael was up from 7 till midnight working at the church. They are now up in wyoming michael running and doing school and Amber is working to support him. we are really excited to have another Amber in our family!
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