Monday, March 29, 2010


Wow it worked! I have tried a couple of times to sign in and for some reason I could not. I have exciting news to post. Most of you know that we are expecting!! We are going to have a little boy in July. July 12th is the due date but I don't think thoes are really accurate. Chris would like to have a birthday buddy on the 7th. We will see. We are excited and feel so blessed to be inviting this little baby in to our family. Grandma Kathy is very very excited as she has wanted to be a grandma for such a long time. She said she watched Grandma Adah with her grand-kids (rachel mandy wendy) and it looked like so much fun. Needless to say our baby will be spoiled. He moves a lot now and it is fun to feel him kick. We are still working on names but some of the ones we like are Ryan Patrick Wood, Evan Jacob Wood, Jack Allen Wood... it is hard to decide. All is going well so far and we pray that it continues that way!